What is Bio-Power? Bio-Power is a biological insecticide based on a selective strain of naturally-occurring entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana. The product contains spores and mycelial fragments of B. bassiana and is accessible in liquid (1x109 CFU's/ml) and powder (1x108 CFU's/gm) formulation. Mode of Action The spore of the fungus when comes in contact with the cuticle (skin) of the target pest insect it germinates and grows directly through the spiracle in the cuticle into the inner body of the host. The plant life by taking nutrients from the insect proliferates and colonizes the whole insect and so drains the insect of nutrients and therefore the infected insects eventually dies. Method of Application Foliar spray (Borer & cutworm): Mix Bio-Power @ 3 Litres or 4 kg / hectare in 500 Litres of water (i.e., 6 ml or 8 gm per Litre of water). The product ought to be sprayed on growing plants victimization hand, groun...